Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mom's Tomato Sauce and Lasagna

It's no lie. My mom is a wonderful cook.  One of my favorite things while growing up was her homemade spaghetti sauce and lasagna.  Below is the secret to her recipes!


1 c. chopped onionn
1 lbs beef
2 or more garlic cloves (or more) maybe some garlic powder too
1 lbs can and 14 oz can of diced tom (can get the seasoned kind with basil, garlic, oregano..I do this)
6 oz tom. paste
1/4 cup snipped parsley
1 T Brown sugar
1tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/4 tsp dried thyme
1 bay leaf

Sautee onion, garlic and beef. Add ingredients into a shallow pot and cook for about an hour. You can freeze left overs.


Lasagna Noodles (at least 12 plus in case of breakage)
Cottage or Ricotta Cheese (mom used cottage)
Parmesan Cheese
Sour Cream

Place a little sauce on the bottom of the pan, then noodles, than sauce, little dollop of sour cream. mozzarella and cottage cheese and some parmesan.  Repeat noodle, , sauce, dollop of sour cream, cheese layers as needed.  The top layer of noodle, place sauce ONLY cottage cheese.  Put the remaining mozzarella and some parmesan cheese and bake until cheese is bubbly and a little brown around the edges.

I find it's best to cook the night before and reheat and serve the next day. 

Also you can add whatever you would like to the sauce, meat veggies etc.

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